Pogo Linux and Scrypt: Rising to the challenges of HIPAA with encrypted SSDs

Since 1998, Scrypt, Inc. has been a leading provider of hosted services to regulated markets, specifically healthcare, and mortgage origination. The customer-centric company offers a vast product line of secure, reliable services, from cloud-based faxing and secure messaging to regulatory compliance and document management. Their customers demand strict compliance with HIPPA and financial regulations, so it is imperative that Scrypt deploy hardware and software that meets these stringent standards.
To implement the wide variety of services and applications they provide, Scrypt offers many different hardware configurations. This enables their customers to maximize performance and minimize cost. Scrypt stakes their business reputation on the hardware they use, so they need a reliable hardware provider who can also serve as a “trusted advisor,” providing guidance and recommendations for specific workload scenarios.
The Challenge: Finding a Rock Solid Supermicro Partner
From the beginning, Scrypt has depended on the reliability and simplicity of systems built on Supermicro server platforms. The cost effective price point of Supermicro hardware, combined with numerous component options, made it the logical choice. However, with all that flexibility, Scrypt needed the right integrator to guide them through all of the Supermicro server options. Pogo was the ideal partner to design and build Scrypt’s servers, as for the past 18 years they have delivered quality solutions built on Supermicro platforms. Scrypt CTO Nick Basil summed it up succinctly: “What drives us to Pogo is that they specialize in Supermicro-based solutions — they do it really, really well.”
After working with the Pogo sales and support staff on a few projects, it became clear to Basil that he had made the right choice in engaging with Pogo. When designing a solution, Scrypt will “…have a conversation with Pogo about what the application is, what the scenario is, and ask them to provide recommendations. Sometimes we’ll procure stuff for customers and ship it pre-deployed, already set up with our application, and other times we’ll have the customers go right to Pogo,” said Nick. This level of trust and expertise has proved to be an ideal combination for Scrypt. They are confident about sending their own customers directly to Pogo, knowing they will get high-quality hardware solutions, perfectly tailored to their needs.
HIPAA Compliance with Encrypted Solid State Drives
Scrypt especially appreciated Pogo’s value as a trusted advisor when Scrypt decided to move away from spinning disks in favor of Solid State storage. With advantages like reduced power consumption and increased speed, Scrypt knew they needed to make a shift in their primary storage medium. They had purchased increasing numbers of SSD-based systems over the past few years, but the transition had been challenging. With the SSD market changing rapidly, it was difficult to consistently determine the best product for a given workload. In addition, Scrypt required data-at-rest encryption to make sure they met rigid HIPAA compliance standards. Basil relied on Pogo for guidance. “I can only see a certain number of variables, so I’ll call Pogo and say, ‘Here’s the load the SSD is going to be under, what do you recommend? Micron? Intel?’ We discuss the budget, and they advise me on the best choices for each scenario,” said Basil. He depends on Pogo to ensure that Scrypt always deploys the correct product for their services.
Attention to Detail
In addition to doling out expert advice, Scrypt’s confidence in Pogo also stems from the impeccable build quality and attention to detail evident in every system they sell. “We’re really particular about how systems are assembled — cables, fans, everything. Everything we get, we open up and verify. We’re going to take the lid off and make sure the cables are tight and tied. Pogo’s servers are tied, zipped, and laid out so that if anybody were to open it up they’d think, ‘This was assembled very well.’ So, that’s why we go with Pogo. I know when I get something, it’s been put together to the highest standards,” said Basil.
Moving Forward
As Scrypt builds out its infrastructure, Pogo continues to be an important part of their planning and purchasing process. Whether it is transitioning to new technologies or guidance on current ones, Pogo is always there with the correct hardware and expert advice to make the process easy. For Scrypt, having a reliable partner is invaluable. “The most important point about our relationship with Pogo Linux is that we don’t have to do things twice. When we bring in something from Pogo, it works. Pogo always takes care of us,” said Basil.
To learn about how Pogo can help you tackle the technological challenges your organization is facing, please call us at 888-828-POGO, or email .