Pogo Linux on The Lunduke Hour

Posted on May 5, 2017 by Rachel B

Last week, our very own VP of Sales & Product Development was the special guest for an episode of The Lunduke Hour, hosted by Bryan Lunduke. They had a lively discussion about Software Defined Storage, designing storage solutions for huge organizations vs. home users, and whether using ZFS makes you an expert.

Storage Concepts with Pogo Linux – The Lunduke Hour


Pogo Linux Storage Director

The Pogo Linux Storage Director Q Series of systems, provide the perfect overall solution to achieving a successful global namespace deployment. By combining an optimal hardware configuration with the QuantaStor SDS, Pogo has a complete solution that solves the traditional issues of scale-out storage by providing both high performance and ease of management. This is all backed by Pogo’s award winning support and warranty coverage.

Want more information about how the Storage Director Q  series and QuantaStor can solve your data storage needs? Give our sales engineers a shout at 1-888-828-7646 or drop us an email at .

Pogo Linux Storage Director

To learn about how Pogo can help you tackle the technological challenges your organization is facing, please call us at 888-828-POGO, or email .