Coming Soon to a Browser Near You – Open Storage Summit, Sponsored by Pogo Storage!

Posted on November 11, 2012 by psadmin
Open storage summit banner

Nexenta’s Open Storage Summit is going virtual, and Pogo Storage is Sponsoring! The Open Storage Summit we all know and love is this Thursday, November 1, with a slightly new name and one big change. This year’s conference will be… drumroll, please… entirely virtual! The same high-quality content and uber-knowledgeable technical presenters we know and…

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Our Big News — VMware, Nexenta, and STEC!

Posted on August 8, 2012 by psadmin

Well, we’re here at VMworld and so far the show is very impressive! This is a very large show that is already proving to have a great turnout. All the major players in the Virtualization space are here and everyone has definitely brought their A-game. Looks like we’ll fit right in! The welcome reception last night was…

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